Sealed bids are being solicited for 2024 or newer model hybrid
sport utility fleet vehicles. Bidders must download the complete solicitation, including specifications and bid forms, from the internet or by visiting the purchasing office. All bids must be submitted on the bid form in a sealed envelope by 10:00 AM CST on Friday, March 28, 2025. The bid must include a notarized state of Alabama disclosure form, a copy of their eVerify certificate, a W9 form, a city of Birmingham/Jefferson County business license, the Beason-Hammon Alabama taxpayer and citizen protection act supplemental form, and all other documents listed in the enclosure. A certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond payable to the Jefferson County Department of Health in the amount of **** is required for any contract purchase exceeding $10,**** bid may be withdrawn for 60 days after the bid opening date. The Jefferson County Department of Health reserves the right to reject any or all bids. There will be no communication during the evaluation period between any vendor and the agency. Questions regarding the bid must be emailed to specified addresses. Bidders are requested to reply via email to a notification of intent indicating that they intend to submit a bid. Delivery must be F. O. B. destination via truck, inside delivery. Fuel surcharges are not allowed. Invoices must be itemized and submitted with the bill of sale. Purchase orders will be issued as needed. If requested, the bidder will furnish a demo vehicle to the JCDH premises within three days of request. The bid is valid until September 30, 2025. The bid will become effective upon bid award within 30 days of award notification, or approval of the Jefferson County health officer and/or issuance of purchase order. The bid may be terminated by the JCDH with a 30-day written notice of cancellation. Bidder must meet or exceed the minimum specifications and the manufacturer's standard base model specifications. Additional accessories are acceptable but will not be a factor in awarding the bid. The specifications for each vehicle bid must accompany the bid package. One original and one copy of the bid package may be submitted. Bids not complying with the format may be considered nonresponsive and may be removed from consideration. The contract will be governed by Alabama law. The successful firm will be the only contract. Bids will not be accepted from vendors that subcontract their work. The award will be made to the lowest responsible bidder provided the bidder meets all requirements and specifications required by JCDH and the bidder meets all requirements under the Alabama competitive bid law. The Jefferson County Department of Health is exempt from all tax. Bidder shall be responsible for any tax that may be levied or assessed by reason of this transaction. No prepayments will be made. JCDH reserves the right to purchase additional quantities and/or related items from the successful bidder. No modification, deviation, substitution, or other such changes will be made without the prior written approval of JCDH. Bidder shall furnish to the board upon execution of this agreement, a certificate of insurance as evidence of adequate professional and public liability insurance insuring vendor, the board and boards agents, servants, and employees as additional insured. Bids will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the bidders. Bidder must have all necessary business licenses as required by the state of Alabama, Jefferson County and the city of Birmingham. All items must conform strictly to the specifications and shall be subjected to evaluation upon acceptance. Failure to comply in accordance with the awarded bid as submitted, including promised delivery, will constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the order and the contract at the option of JCDH. Use of specific names and numbers is not intended to restrict the bid of any bidder, seller and/or manufacturer