and hard copies delivered by any method WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. On this line, Bidders must enter $ 0. 00 for Contract Amount in the e-
procurement system. Actual Contract Amount must be entered on "
Official Bid Document"
and submitted as an attachment in the e-
procurement system. Vendors should review
and update, if necessary, all addresses
and contact persons for their account prior to bid submission. This information will carry forward to a contract if awarded, therefore please ensure all information is correct. ** Entire
Official Bid Document
and Bid Bond ( if required) should be combined as one PDF
and uploaded** Volume One: Addition of an ADA accessible toilet
and laundry room as well as removal of one office
and creation of two offices within the building at an existing Group Home facility. The addition is a wood framed structure on a slab on grade. Finishes include painted gypsum board
and ceramic tile.
Work also includes installation of a larger primary entrance door for ADA accessibility. The existing office will be removed to accommodate access to the new laundry area. Two new offices will be created within the open area for staffing needs. Building PTAC unit will be remove
and replaced with a VRF system to serve the HVAC needs of the building. Volume Two:
Work Area 1- Excavation & installation of a new drainage area/trench behind the existing facilities.
Work to include
earthwork, installation of new storm piping, concrete headwall,
and drainage rock.
Work Area 2 - Removal of existing & installation of a new asphalt entrance.
Work to include
earthwork, paving, installing new storm piping, guardrails,
and concrete headwalls.