Invitation to bid for
packaging supplies for the Louisiana Department of Corrections. Blanket order contract for an initial period beginning with the date of award and ending December 31, 2025, with the possibility of two additional 12-month renewals. Items are to be called for by the using agency as needed. Online bid submission required. All vendors must be registered in the lagov system. A W9 form is required for newly registered vendors. All attachments must be printed and reviewed. Bid prices must be typed, written in ink, or submitted online. Corrections must be initialed. Bid must be manually signed in ink or submitted online. Bid prices include delivery F. O. B. destination. Payment within 30 days after receipt of invoice or delivery. Bids must be returned in an envelope or package clearly marked with the bid opening date and bid number, or submitted online. Bidders may attend the bid opening, but no information or opinions concerning the ultimate contract award will be given. All products must be new, never previously used, and the current model and/or
packaging. The manufacturer's standard warranty will apply. Contract may be extended for two additional 12-month periods at the same prices, terms, and conditions. Total contract time not to exceed 36 months. Delivery timeframe: 7-10 days. Minimum orders may be one unit, unless otherwise stated. The state reserves the right to reject any and all vendors who cannot make delivery within the stated timeframe. Additional documents required: Attachment A (Special Terms and Conditions), Attachment B (Delivery Addresses), Attachment C (PE Logo), Attachment D (Online Bidding Instructions). Participation criteria: Registration in the lagov system, W9 form, review of attachments. Process stages: Online submission, review, evaluation, award. Deadlines: Bid opening date: 03062025. Other important information: Compliance with Louisiana laws, including purchasing rules and regulations, executive orders, standard terms and conditions, special terms and conditions, and specifications. Compliance with civil rights laws, ADA accessibility requirements, indemnity, signature authority, prohibition of discriminatory boycotts of Israel, prohibition of companies that discriminate against firearm and ammunition industries, certification of no federal suspension or debarment, secretary of state registration, independent price determination, everify compliance.