Lot 1: *** ONLY
ONLINE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THIS RFB. *** Emailed and hard copies delivered by any method WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. On this line, Bidders must enter $ 0. 00 for Contract Amount in the e-
procurement system. Actual Contract Amount must be entered on " Official Bid Document" and submitted as an attachment in the e-
procurement system. Vendors should review and update, if necessary, all addresses and contact persons for their account prior to bid submission. This information will carry forward to a contract if awarded, therefore please ensure all information is correct. ** Entire Official Bid Document and Bid Bond ( if required) should be combined as one PDF and uploaded** The project consists of the removal and replacement of the waste and vent piping system serving the
kitchen area. All piping, drains, and plumbing fixtures in the
kitchen and surrounding areas shall be removed and replaced. Ceilings, floors, and walls will be removed and replaced to accommodate the piping replacement. Light fixtures and receptacles will be removed and replaced. Electrical circuits routed below the floor will be removed and routed above the lay- in ceilings. A new concrete slab and epoxy non- slip floor shall be provided in the renovation space. All existing
kitchen equipment shall be removed, stored, and re- installed to accommodate the renovation. Temporary
kitchen trailers and
storage containers shall be provided to serve as the facility
kitchen while the permanent
kitchen is shutdown. Trenching and backfilling will be required for installation of utilities to serve the temporary
kitchen rental trailers. All work will be performed inside the facility perimeter Security fence.