Lot 1: JCB Teleskid 3TS- 8T Compact Track
Loader or Approved Equal PREFERRED DELIVERY BY OR BEFORE 90 DAYS- MUST BE DELIVERED BY OR BEFORE 120 DAYS SEE ATTACHMENT A FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Bidders are required to inspect the site where services are to be performed and to satisfy themselves as to all general and local conditions that may affect the cost of performance of the contract to the extent such information is reasonably obtainable. In no event shall a failure to inspect the site constitute grounds for a claim after award of the contract. Specifications: 1. tEngine: Diesel engine; - Minimum 74 horsepower; - Minimum 27. 2 gallons tank capacity; - EcoMax TCAE- 55 engine; - Tier 4 final compliant emissions, and gross torque @1, 200 RPM ( 295 lb. /ft. ). 2. tApproximate Dimensions: - Length of 132 inches; Width of 73 inches; Height of 83 inches; - Operating weight between 11, 000 to 13, 000 lbs. ; - Ground clearance of 9. 4 inches minimum. 3. tTrack System: - Rubber tracks with steel inserts; - Approximate 17. 7 inches wide tracks; - Automatic
tensioning system; - Low ground pressure, - Must be able to work in soft ground and unstable urban environments. 4. tLift Capacity: - Operating capacity of 3, 600 lbs. , - Radial
lift loader, with a two stage telescopic boom, a hinge pin height of approximate 159 inch ( **** ) and 96 inch ( 8 ) of forward reach. 5. tHydraulic System: - High- flow auxiliary hydraulics ( minimum 24 gpm) for running various attachments; - Hydraulic pressure of 3, 335 psi minimum; - Hydraulic quick coupler connect for fast attachment changes. 6. tTransmission & Drivetrain: - Hydrostatic transmission with two- speed operation; - 4- wheel drive system with positive traction; - Approximate maximum forward speed of 6 mph; - Auto- return parking brake system. 7. tOperator Station: - Cab design to be fully enclosed, - Heated and ventilated, - Side entry; - Operator controls to be joystick- style with adjustable armrests; - Shall have all- around visibility, including overhead visibility, with large