Lot 4: FEDERAL: Vendor to provide the necessary
traffic control. Install
cribbing as slide location dictates or as directed by the Engineer. Extend wall
cribbing 2 feet below the existing ground line as measured from the back side of the installed railroad rails. If bedded rock is encountered, install the
cribbing to the bedded rock only. The engineer will direct changes if necessary to this procedure. Vendor to furnish all labor and equipment to deliver and install wall
cribbing on the recycled ( used) railroad rail piling. Wall
cribbing shall be lapped, bolted, and attached solid to the
drilled railroad rails. Use wall
cribbing: recycled ( used) steel " w" beam guardrail.
Cribbing material will be furnished by the KY Dept of Transportation.
Lot 5: FEDERAL: Vendor to furnish backfill material and provide necessary
Traffic Control. Perform excavation and backfill as slide dictates or as directed by the Engineer. Excavate each embankment/flood repair area to provide a platform for
drilling the used railroad rails, if necessary. Place Geotextile fabric, then construct embankment behind railroad rails,
cribbing and on slope, as per Section 206 of the Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Current Edition. Construct embankment up to the approximate existing pavement elevation. Do not use excavated material from the site as fill material. Use the following backfill materials: Kentucky aggregate gradation no. 2' s or larger. Backfill material shall meet requirements of Section 805 of the Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Current Edition. The Engineer will use visual inspection and/or material testing, as applicable to determine acceptability. Excess excavation may be wasted at sites on the right- of- way, only if approved by the Engineer. Material may not be wasted in flood prone areas or in streams. If the Engineer deems no suitable sites are available within the right- of- way, the contractor will be required to waste excess material off the right- of- way at sites obtained by the contractor at no cost KY Dept of Transportation. State: Geotextile fabric will be furnished by KY Dept of Transportation Vendor to furnish backfill material.
Lot 6: State: Vendor to provide guardrail