Lot 1: *** ONLY ONLINE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THIS RFB. *** Emailed and hard copies delivered by any method WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. On this line, Bidders must enter $ 0. 00 for Contract Amount in the e-
procurement system. Actual Contract Amount must be entered on " Official Bid Document" and submitted as an attachment in the e-
procurement system. Vendors should review and update, if necessary, all addresses and contact persons for their account prior to bid submission. This information will carry forward to a contract if awarded, therefore please ensure all information is correct. ** Entire Official Bid Document and Bid Bond ( if required) should be combined as one PDF and uploaded** This project will serve as the new District 11 Highway Department Maintenance Facility replacing an existing facility located at another site in Whitley County. This project consists of two structures in total along with complete site civil and site utility work. These four components of this project are the following: C - Civil, SU Site Utilities, MF Maintenance Facility, & SEO Section Engineer Office. A new 3, 000- ton
Salt Structure ( SS) will be built as a separate project at the lower site ( NIC). See descriptions below. C CIVIL EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS - The existing site is located approximately 0. 38 miles from I- 75 exit 15 on 25W ( Cumberland Falls Highway) in Whitley County. Current access to the property is mostly open to 25W with no defined entrance. The property has been utilized as a
disposal site for asphalt, concrete, and
waste soils for many years. It is assumed that the eastern portion of the site has deeper, less consolidated soils than the portion of the site adjacent to 25W. BUILDING LOCATIONS EARTHWORK - The new buildings are in strategic locations to allow for the appropriate maneuvering of large vehicles throughout the site. The Maintenance Building has been placed in the center of the site directly adjacent to 25W. The earthwork scope for the MF includes a undercut for a raft sub- foundation and is indicated in C