The City of St. Louis Department of Human Services, Homeless Services Division is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for FY2024
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. Proposals are due April 2, 2025, at 4:00 PM. The RFP covers five funding categories:
emergency shelter, street outreach, rapid rehousing, homeless prevention, and HMIS. Bidders can pick up RFP packets at the Homeless Services Division or download them from the website. A bidders conference will be held on March 19, 2025, at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Central Time. Questions about the RFP must be submitted in writing by March 27, 2025. Proposals must include a detailed project/program budget, organizational chart, evidence of 501(c)(3) status (if applicable), current list of board of directors (if applicable), copy of System for Award Management (SAM) registration, federal Form 990 or equivalent report, project organizational chart, resumes/CVs for key personnel, recent income statement, program staff resumes, job descriptions, balance sheet for the last three years, agency yearly budget, recent statement of cash flows, recent A-133 or most recent audit, MBE/DBE documentation (optional), and other required attachments. The selection process involves a review for conformance to submission requirements, evaluation of proposal merits, a selection committee meeting, and potential interviews. The selection committee will consider factors such as specialized experience, qualifications, ability to provide innovative
solutions, capacity to perform the work, past performance, fees, financial resources, proximity to the city, MBE/DBE participation, and adherence to statutory/ordinance requirements. Additional considerations for ESG funds include preference for active members of the St. Louis City Continuum of Care, nonprofit status, commitment to safety and privacy, ability to address RFP requirements, filling community gaps, community collaborations, client tracking, fiscal accountability, and empowerment of homeless individuals. The contract term is typically 12 months, but up to 15 months may be allowed. A contract start-up conference is scheduled for May 23, 2025, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Doorways, **** N. Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, MO **** projects must comply with the St. Louis City Continuum of Care (CoC) approved community systems, including Get Help, data entry/reporting requirements, and participation in weekly Housing Match Meetings (WHAMM). The award and performance of any contract is subject to appropriation of funds. The city reserves the right to reject any proposal, select one or more respondents, void the RFP, terminate negotiations, select separate respondents for various components, select final team members, modify, suspend, or terminate the RFP process, and obtain further information from respondents. Respondents may be asked to make presentations and participate in interviews. All submitted materials become the property of the city and may be subject to public review. Applicants must have a DUNS number, be registered in SAM, be current with IRS Form 990 filings (if applicable), have completed all required federal audits (if applicable), be current on all federal, state, and local taxes, have no unresolved HUD audit findings, be in good standing with the state of Missouri and the city of St. Louis, have a current business license (if applicable), and not be on the federal excluded parties list. The city requires general liability, automobile liability, workers' compensation insurance, and a certificate of insurance naming the city as an additional insured. Contracts may be terminated for convenience or cause. The city is subject to Missouri's Sunshine Law and the Missouri Unauthorized Aliens Act. A living wage ordinance and service contract prevailing wage ordinance apply.